食べる 〜自慢の一品料理〜
Hida Beef took the top prize at the 8th National Competitive Exhibition of Japanese Beef, also known
as the "Olympice of Japanese Beef"where high-grade cattle(Japanese Black)from around the coun-
try compete once every 5 years.
The finely textured,tender meat is marbled with a beautiful,cherry-blossom pink color and is noted
for the high-quality,sweetness of its fat and well-rounded flavor.
The pedigree was created over many years and bred on the beautiful natural surroundings of Hida,
and its flavor has been cultivated with superior production engineering.
Diners will savor the delicious ttaste of Hida Beef.
as the "Olympice of Japanese Beef"where high-grade cattle(Japanese Black)from around the coun-
try compete once every 5 years.
The finely textured,tender meat is marbled with a beautiful,cherry-blossom pink color and is noted
for the high-quality,sweetness of its fat and well-rounded flavor.
The pedigree was created over many years and bred on the beautiful natural surroundings of Hida,
and its flavor has been cultivated with superior production engineering.
Diners will savor the delicious ttaste of Hida Beef.
All entrees are served with bread or rise. (全てのお料理には、パンかライスが付きます。)
※The prices are subject to change. Please inquire regarding the price.
Special Hamburger Steak
Beef Cheek Simmered in Red Wine

飛騨牛サーロインステーキ 170g
When it comes to steak,nothing compares to sirloin. will enjoy sweet flavor of this meat.

飛騨牛ヒレステーキ 150g
This is the tenderest cut of meat with just the right amount of marbling.We recommend the fillet for ladies and older patrons.

飛騨牛ロムステーキ 150g
Diners will appreciate the flavor of this lean but meat tender.

飛騨牛とびステーキ 200g
This is the highest rank of sirloin.There's nothing better.This steak has a superb flavor.

飛騨牛ほほ肉の赤ワイン煮込み 150g
This excellent dish is slowly and carefully simmered for 6 hours and is so tender it can be cut with chopsticks.

(135g) ¥2,300
(180g) ¥2,800
Our unique hamburger steak has been a popular dish since we opened our doors.

飛騨牛ビーフシチュー 季節限定メニュー(10月〜2月)
The light sauce is created with a recipe from Chef Daniel Bouche.

This dish can only be offered when the highly treasured meat is available.The exclusive ingredient is also offered at the best 3-stars restaurants.

Only a small amount of meat can be obtained from each animal.It is difficult to come by due to its popularity.

This prized ingredient is served fresh and in limited quantity−only 10 servings are available a week.
Fish is also available for patrons who prefer not to eat meat.
Our apologies! Hida Beef is a very pricey food.
Even local residents such as ourselves find it difficult to afford!
Even local residents such as ourselves find it difficult to afford!
※price excluding tax
※The prices are subject to change. Please inquire regarding the price.

Three set menu s have been created for better value.Enjoy them with a main dish.

スープ、パン又はライス コーヒー

本日のオードブル パン又はライス コーヒー

本日のオードブル デザート パン又はライス コーヒー

These steaks for 2 are offered for patrons who would like to share a 150g〜200g dish of Hida Beef.

[A4] 200g ¥9,300
[A5] 200g ¥11,000

[A4] 250g ¥8,800
[A4] 300g ¥10,600

[A5] 250g ¥10,600

[A4] 200g ¥6,800
[A4] 250g ¥8,500
※price excluding tax